104 Copper Works


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Full Price: $168.00

104 Copper Works   (18 Instuctional Hours / 365 days to complete) Foundation

Written by Chris Compton

Copper Works is different from all our other online courses because it was designed to provide specific guidance for students in a Copper Lab. It is rich with images and streaming videos that deliver the course content. There are two exams; one at the end of module 1, and the second at the end of module 3. If you are a technician who wants to improve your copper working skills without going to a classroom, this course is right for you. This course is NATE recognized for 6 continuing education hours (CEHs) toward re-certification.

Copper Works course contains six learning modules covering:

  • Copper Tubing/Pipe and Fittings (module exam)
  • Cutting, Flaring, Swaging & Bending Tubing
  • Torch Safety and Operation (module exam)
  • Soft Solder
  • Silphos Braze
  • Silver Braze

If you are only taking a few courses with us there is not a requirement for a textbook. We will always recommend to our students to have a good general textbook for reference, the mark of a professional!

Each course purchase allows one year enrollment to complete. Must obtain a 70% or higher to obtain CEU recognition. Course provides you with a Subject Matter Expert (mentor) to assist with questions and all course materials for the duration of the course.

Textbook Reference: https://www.hvacrassets.net/Textbook/TextbookPage081021.pdf