403 Water Cooled Chillers


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Full Price: $435.00
403 HVACR Water Cooled Mid & Large Tonnage Chillers 150+ Tons 

(15 hours to complete / 365 days to complete)   Advanced

Written by Ron Auvil

This course is designed for advanced level technicians and building maintenance personnel who are responsible for operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of chiller systems in commercial buildings.  We will cover larger chiller systems, to include screw and centrifugal chillers, as well as cooling towers. Emphasis will be given to operating characteristics, main components, maintenance, control, and troubleshooting. The vast majority of chiller types are thoroughly covered, as well as components and control sequences. The course will finish up with detailed, in-depth multiple field troubleshooting scenarios. All scenarios are derived from actual service calls. Upon completion of this course the technician will have been exposed to a minimum 75% of the most common service calls on commercial chiller systems. The prerequisites are successful completion of the 402 HVACR Packaged Chillers 25 – 150 Tons Course or equivalent field experience. This course is recognized for 15 hours of continuing education, (CEHs), applicable to NATE re-certification.  The modules cover:
  • Centrifugal Chillers
  • Screw Chillers
  • Cooling Towers
  • Typical Chiller Plant Layout
  • Mid and Large Tonnage Chiller Diagnostics and Troubleshooting.

Textbook Reference: https://www.hvacrassets.net/Textbook/TextbookPage081021.pdf