444 Rack Tech Program (30 hours / 120 days) Advanced By Bob Feathers The 444 Rack Tech is an advanced program totaling 30 instructional hours. Students will take one course at a time in a systematic progression that moves through market refrigeration and the specific technologies focusing on Parallel and Unparallel Rack Systems and Applications. The need for Refrigeration Mechanics is ever evolving:
Students are enrolled as online asynchronous independent study. This access allows students to login at their convenience 24/7/365. This program is NATE recognized for 30 hours of continuing education (CEHs) which are applicable to NATE re-certification. The modules making up the Program are: Intro to Supermarket Applications I Prerequisites: This advanced program is designed for HVACR technicians, facilities managers, and commercial maintenance technicians who have already completed an educational program for HVACR and/or have current industry work experience in the field. The program will build on your existing knowledge of HVACR fundamentals and equipment and help you learn commercial supermarket applications and systems. Grades: Students who complete the program with a grade of 70% or higher will receive a certificate of completion. Recommended Textbook: “Commercial Refrigeration 4th Edition” by Dick Wirz Textbook Reference: https://www.hvacrassets.net/Textbook/TextbookPage081021.pdf |
Rack Program Plus |