Using Diagnostic Charts and Apps
Supermarket CO2 Systems
October 12th / 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM PDT
Participants will be introduced to the listed topics and become familiar with commercial HVAC systems and Troubleshooting / Operation techniques.
CO2 (carbon dioxide) has been used in European supermarkets for nearly 15 years. U.S. supermarkets have implemented CO2 into many of its locations within the past 5 years. This presentation will help techs understand the differences and similarities to the conventional systems they have been working on. Emphasis will be placed on how to safely handle carbon dioxide and the systems in which it is used.
Dick Wirz has been in the HVACR trade since 1963 and owned a commercial refrigeration company for 25 years. He holds Master Licenses for both HVACR and Electricity in three states. He is also NATE certified in all categories. After his first retirement in 2001 he became an Associate Professor and Asst. Dean for the A/C-Refrigeration program at Northern Virginia Community College before retiring in 2014. He is the author of Commercial Refrigeration for Air Conditioning Technicians published by Cengage. He and his wife Irene have developed Instructor CD training aids under their company name of Refrigeration Training Services which are used in HVACR training programs and schools in all 50 States.